Basics of Array


Basics of Array In this blog you will able to understand the basics of array operation like declare, initialize, access ....

Basics of Array

In this blog you will able to understand the basics of array operation like declare, initialize, access and manipulation of the Array.

This will help you too understand the basics just look at the below Javascript code named as 01_Basics_of_Array.js for understanding the basic concepts of array.


<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


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    <title>Basics of Array</title>

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    <div class="main">

        <h1>Press <span class="console-text">`F12`</span> to open console</h1>

        <h2>Basic Terminologies of Array</h2>

        <div class="card p-3 mt-5 bg-dark">

            <h4 class="text-center">Here is the code</h4>


                // Declare of array in JS


                // let arrayname = []

                let arr = [];

                // Initialize array

                let arr2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; //Integer

                let arr3 = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]; //String

                let arr4 = [1, "a", 2, "b", 3, "c", 4, "d", 5, "e"]; //Mixed

                // Access array using index [print first element of arr2]

                console.log(arr2[0]); //array index starts from 0

                // Access array using array traversal

                for (let i of arr2) {



                // insert element in array



                // delete element in array



                // find element in array





    <script src="./js/01_Basics_of_Array.js"></script>





// Declare of array in JS


// let arrayname = []

let arr = [];


// Initialize array

let arr2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; //Integer

let arr3 = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]; //String

let arr4 = [1, "a", 2, "b", 3, "c", 4, "d", 5, "e"]; //Mixed


// Access array using index [print first element of arr2]

console.log("%cAccess array using index", "color: blue; font-weight: bold;");

console.log(arr2[0]); //array index starts from 0


// Access array using array traversal

console.log("%cAccess array using array traversal", "color: blue; font-weight: bold;");

for (let i of arr2) {




console.log("%cInsert element in array", "color: blue; font-weight: bold;");

// insert element in array




console.log("%cDelete element in array", "color: blue; font-weight: bold;");

// delete element in array




console.log("%cFind element in array", "color: blue; font-weight: bold;");

// find element in array

console.log('The index of element 2 in arr3 is ' + arr3.indexOf("a"));

Table of Contents

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